Sara Ivanhoe's 20 Min Yoga Makeover

Sara Ivanhoe's 20 Min Yoga Makeover

20 Minute Yoga Makeover - Weight Loss features a yoga-based workout program designed to boost the heart rate and burn excess calories while toning and strengthening muscles. The workout is designed so yoga students at a variety of different ability levels can use it.

Format: avi, Size: 131 mb, Audio: mp3, 105 kb/s, Video: xvid, 352x272
Time: 20.00

20 Minute Yoga Makeover -- Flat Abs features a yoga-based workout routine that focuses on the abdominal area, which through a series of twisting and stretching exercises can help tone your abs, strengthen your back, and improve your posture.

Format: avi, Size: 122 mb, Audio: mp3, 107 kb/s , Video: Divx, 384x288
Time: 20.00

20 Minute Yoga Makeover - Power Beauty Sweat features a yoga-based workout designed to tone the major muscle groups, burn off excess calories, and increase the circulation. The program is also intended to work up a healthy sweat, which will help the body rid itself of harmful toxins as well as flush out the skin.

Format: avi, Size: 126 mb, Audio: mp3, 107 kb/s - Video: Divx, 400x304
Time: 20.00

20 Minute Yoga Makeover - Total Body Tone With Weights features a yoga-based exercise routine which incorporates hand weights; while the program can be performed without weights, by adding them, Ivanhoe's program will offer greater benefits in the form of improved muscle tone, increased calorie burn, and greater strength in the upper arms.

Format: avi, Size: 149 mb, Audio: mp3, 108 kb/s, Video: Divx, 432x320
Time: 20.00


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